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Dachsie Jumper

Dachsie Jumper, Red, Mulberry, Pale Heather, Fluorescent Yellow
Dachsie Jumper, Red, Mulberry, Pale Heather, Fluorescent Yellow

If you don’t have a Dachshund or similar breed, please see our standard Dog Jumper or Dog Tankie.

Equafleece sizing is different! Click below to see how to measure.
Make sure you select the Dachshund shape option.
See how the colours look in our Photo Gallery.
(varies according to options selected above)

100% Rainproof, Breathable, Warm and Washable

This special Dachshund version of our Dog Jumper has leg holes rather than sleeves to fit long, slim, short legged breeds. There are no zips or buckles to lie on or to get in the way of a harness.

Ideal for coverage against the wind and rain, and for wrapping up warm at night. A well-fitting garment will keep your Dachshund completely dry and warm in the wettest of weathers.

If your Dachshund is already wet, the Equafleece® Dachsie Jumper is the ideal drying tool, wicking the wet away from the dog’s coat to the outside of the jumper without having to sit in a damp towel. The perfect garment to restore core body temperature and dry off quickly.

We also do a Dachsie Suit which has four short sleeves.

Dachsie Jumper, Espresso
Dachsie Jumper, Espresso
Dachsie Jumper, Dark Brown
Dachsie Jumper, Dark Brown
Dachsie Jumper, Red
Dachsie Jumper, Red
Dachsie Jumper, Teal, Blaze Orange
Dachsie Jumper, Teal, Blaze Orange
Dachsie Jumper, Dark Purple
Dachsie Jumper, Dark Purple

How much of the tummy do the jumpers cover and will they fit my dog comfortably (he’s a boy!)?

Equafleece garments are cut to accommodate the male figure! The Dog Jumper, Dog Tankie and Dog Suit all cover the rib cage and end at the dog’s waist, so he should be just fine. If individual dimensions or habits demand, you may find the Polo Neck Coat better suited for your chap.